Saturday, July 26, 2008

Massachusetts Abortionist Arraigned, Surrenders Passport & Medical License

A Barnstable, Massachusetts abortionist pled not guilty to manslaughter during his arraignment in a state courtroom yesterday in connection with the allegedly botched abortion death of 22-year-old Laura Hope Smith. Dr. Rapin Osathanondh was released on his own recognizance after surrendering his passport to ensure that he would not flee the country while awaiting trial.

A grand jury indicted Osathanondh after its investigation into Smith's death uncovered a lack of life-saving equipment, the failure to monitor the patient, the delay in calling 911, and an effort to cover up his negligence.

Osathanondh earlier surrendered his medical license and closed his abortion clinics in Brookline and Hyannis, where Smith died.

"This was only possible because the death was publicly exposed by pro-lifers and because Laura's mother, Eileen, was steadfastly determined to seek justice," said anti-abortion activist Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue. "It just goes to show what can happen when those fighting for justice just won't give up."

The report on conditions in Osathanondh's abortion facilities "is a must see," Newman said. "The deficiencies and negligence that led to Laura's death are not unique to this particular abortionist. These kinds of conditions exist at abortion mills across the nation. Laura's death serves as a warning to all women. When women walk into America's abortion mill, they are playing Russian Roulette with their lives."

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