Sunday, August 30, 2009

Slippery Truth About Health Care Reforms and Elective Abortion Coverage

President Obama was gilding the lily when he declared that his healthcare reforms would not fund abortions with tax money, according to While the president's statement is technically correct, it is nevertheless true that the new system would collect non-tax "insurance" contributions from employers to fund abortion on demand.

Abortion 'explicitly' covered under ObamaCare
by Pete Chagnon
OneNewsNow says the National Right to Life Committee is correct concerning abortion provisions in ObamaCare.

According to, President Barack Obama was right to a "limited extent" when he stated that his healthcare reform plan does not allow for "government-funded abortion." Although states that under H.R. 3200 federal money is not used to fund abortion, under the public insurance option there is a provision for abortion coverage -- as well as provisions for government-subsidized public and private insurance plans that cover what are described as "reproductive services."

Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the Washington, DC-based National Right to Life, says the president purposely neglected to tell the whole story.

"Well, President Obama really brazenly misrepresented the abortion-related components of this bill that his congressional allies have crafted and that his staff had a role in," Johnson contends.

"As the bill was amended by the House Energy and Commerce Committee on July 30, it includes something called the Capps amendment which was put in by the pro-abortion side. And it explicitly authorizes the government plan to cover all elective abortions -- explicitly."

The Capps amendment has proposed by Congresswoman Lois Capps (D-California) as a supposed "compromise" on the abortion issue as it relates to healthcare reform. Johnson doubts Capps was trying to limit abortion funding, telling that the California Democrat has never cast a pro-life vote in her 11+ years in Congress.

Johnson believes Obama, in trying to squelch discussion on abortion coverage, tried to hide behind a technical distinction between tax funds and government-collected premiums -- both of which, the pro-life activist notes, are collected and spent by government agencies.

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