Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nonprofit Planned Parenthood Pays Its California Executives Generously, But Turns Women Away Due to Budget Crunch

The individual solo abortionist is often underinsured or even uninsured, but the corporate Planned Parenthood abortion empire in California appears to be flush. The salaries paid at nine California affiliates of Planned Parenthood suggest deep pockets if an abortion negligence or battery case ever gets to a California civil jury.


How much do you make?
California’s Planned Parenthood affiliates pay executives top dollar, with generous benefit packages

(Editor’s note: This is the first in an ongoing series about the finances of the nine Planned Parenthood affiliates in California. Unless otherwise noted, the information comes from IRS Form 990, an annual report required by the IRS for tax-exempt non-profits. Check back each week for a new installment in the series.)

Planned Parenthood affiliates in California pay their top executives well and provide many of them with generous benefit packages, even though Planned Parenthood has pleaded with the state legislature in recent years that it was turning away as many as 10,000 patients a month for lack of sufficient funding.

Here is a list of the compensation paid to the five top Planned Parenthood executives at each California affiliate, from highest paid to lowest paid. Unless otherwise noted, the information comes from Form 990s for 2007 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, San Jose

Linda Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $294,091
Benefits: $31,391
Total Compensation: $325,482

D. Ferguson, Medical Director
Salary: $214,498
Benefits: $18,589
Total Compensation: $233,087

A. Cabebe, Family Practice
Salary: $186,624
Benefits: $19,061
Total Compensation: $205,685

J. Gambruno, Chief Financial Officer, Vice-president of Finance and Administration
Salary: $182,875
Benefits: $22,494
Total Compensation: $205,369

E. Love, Vice-president People Support and Development
Salary: $156,882
Benefits: $23,552
Total Compensation: $180,434

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 162

Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, San Francisco
(Note: Planned Parenthood Golden Gate executives enjoy a 35-hour work week.)

Dian Harrison, President and Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $274,438
Benefits: $18,976
Expense Account: $11,340
Total Compensation: $304,754

Johnetta Stevens, Chief Development Officer
Salary: $174,182
Benefits: $40,064
Total Compensation: $214,256

Jennifer Winter, Vice-president, Medical Services
Salary: $164,000
Benefits: $37,720
Total Compensation: $201,720

Therese Wilson, Executive Vice-president
Salary: $163,490
Benefits: $37,602
Total Compensation: $201,092

T. Marx, Chief Financial Officer
Salary: $134,534
Benefits: $41,590
Total Compensation: $176,124

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 69

Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties

John A. Dunn, President and Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $270,019
Benefits: $21,185
Total Compensation: $291,204

Nancy Dudley, Senior Vice-president for Strategic Development
Salary: $151,518
Benefits: $11,178
Total Compensation: $162,696

Stephanie Kight, Senior Vice-president for Community Affairs
Salary: $129,908
Benefits: $11,613
Total Compensation: $141,521

Scott M. Marshall, Senior Vice-president
Salary: $111,885
Benefits: $10,448
Total Compensation: $122,333

Christine J. Chai, Vice-President for Clinical Practice and Medial Director
(*Note: Christine Chai works 20 hours per week for Planned Parenthood.)
Salary: $99,922
Benefits: $7,973
Total Compensation: $107,895

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 61

Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties
(Calendar year ending Dec. 31, 2007)

Darrah Johnson, Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $253,269
Benefits: $14,467
Total Compensation: $267,736

Nancy Sasaki, Executive Vice President
Salary: $171,037
Benefits: $10,077
Total Compensation: $181,114

Angela Reed, Senior Vice-president
Salary: $154,385
Benefits: $8779
Total Compensation: $163,164

Leonard Dodson, Chief Financial Officer
Salary: $157,307
Benefits: $398
Total Compensation: $157,705

Katherine Sheehan, Medical Director
Salary: $131,906
Benefits: $4715
Total Compensation: $136,621

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 89

Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles

Mary Jane Wagle, President and Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $225,692
Benefits: $63
Total Compensation: $225,755

Bobby Lee, President, Board of Directors
Salary: $156,184
Benefits: $4,749
Total Compensation: $160,933

Benjamin Tysch, Chief Administrative Officer
Salary: $149,423
Benefits: $2,838
Total Compensation: $152,261

Sally Blowitz, Vice-president for Development
Salary: $137,741
Benefits: $3,320
Total Compensation: $141,061

Adrianne Black, Vice-president for Client Services
Salary: $128,261
Benefits: $10,675
Total Compensation: $138,936

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 67

Planned Parenthood of Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties
(No benefit amounts were listed on this affiliate’s Form 990.)

Cheryl Rollings, President and Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $189,805

Laura Ferris (no title)
Salary: $124,717

Christine Lyon, Vice-president for Public Affairs
Salary: $114,500

Patricia Fajardo, Vice-president for Clinical Services
Salary: $105,568

Kelly Genovese, Clinician
Salary: $99,614

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 1

Planned Parenthood of Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley

Sherri Bonner, President and Chief Executive Officer
Salary: $139,970
Benefits: $21,600
Expense Account: $6,000
Total Compensation: $167,570

Anna Rutherford, Lead Clinician
Salary: $112,538
Benefits: $8,867
Total Compensation: $121,405

Henrietta Crite-Wilson, Clinician
Salary: $96,090
Benefits: $8,188
Total Compensation: $104,278

Buff Megaw, Director of Development
Salary: $86,726
Benefits: $7,537
Total Compensation: $94,263

Michelle Matyi, Vice-president for Patient Services
Salary: $72,961
Benefits: $6,962
Total Compensation: $79,923

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: 3

Planned Parenthood Six Rivers, Eureka
(Information for this report was not available from an IRS Form 990. It was instead collected from the website Charity Navigator, the “largest and most utilized evaluator of charities.” The data comes from Planned Parenthood Six Rivers’ 2007-2008 annual report, according to Charity Navigator. No benefits information was provided. Six Rivers is the smallest of California’s nine Planned Parenthood affiliates.)

K. Albright, Lead Clinician -- $70,734
D. Hatch, Clinician -- $64,153
M. Amir, Clinician -- $58,083
Denise Vanden Bos, Chief Executive Officer -- $55,740

Total number of other employees earning more than $50,000 per year: Not available

© California Catholic Daily 2010.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you work for free? Idiot.