Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Texas Abortionist Keeps Ambulances Busy

This article by anti-abortion activist Cheryl Sullenger reports that one abortion clinic in Houston has called the ambulance four times in the past month.  The public policy implications are fairly obvious here, but four ambulances in a month should also attract the attention of Personal Injury attorneys.  A Planned Parenthood franchise is not a fly-by-night business, despite the apparent defects of this one. It is almost certainly fully covered by professional liability insurance. 

Safety Hazard: Houston Planned Parenthood Sends Four Patients to the ER in Less Than 30 Days

By Cheryl Sullenger
Houston, TX — The Houston Coalition for Life is reporting that in less than 30 days, there have been four women rushed to a local hospital by ambulance from the Planned Parenthood Center for Choice, located at 4600 Gulf Freeway in Houston, Texas.
Operation Rescue earlier reported that one documented medical emergency took place at this Planned Parenthood facility on February 6, 2015.
Sidewalk counselors have now reported that a previous incident took place on Saturday, January 31, 2015.
Since then, ambulances were photographed at Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Houston on February 25th and 26th.
“That makes 4 in less than 30 days!” noted a Houston Coalition for Life in a February 26th Facebook posting. “If you saw a ‘clinic’ with an ambulance leaving on average once a week, would you trust their medical practices?”
Not much is known about the condition of the four women. Operation Rescue is seeking the 911 records related to these four incidents, which may shed additional light on what happened and the dangers that exist at this Planned Parenthood facility.
“Even though this Planned Parenthood abortion clinic is licensed as an Ambulatory Surgical Center, it is evident that safety problems still exist there. It is imperative that the Texas Department of Health take seriously complaints about this facility and act to shut it down,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Operation Rescue has documented at least five other medical emergencies at this Houston Planned Parenthood facility, making nine in all over the past three years. However, many more could have occurred outside the presence of pro-life activists who document these incidents.
Operation Rescue has also reported that court records indicate that as many as 1,000 women are hospitalized in Texas each year due to abortion complications.
A new abortion clinic licensing law known as HB2 has helped close 20 of the worst offending abortion facilities in Texas over the past two years.
“It is obvious that Texas has a long way to go to fully protect women from shoddy abortion practices,” said Newman.

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